Run Like A Champ, Build A Bulletproof Mindset, And A Body To Match…

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"Only a few years ago, I was overweight...

I used to hate running, and I thought it was boring. 

When times got busy or stressful at work (I'm a Chartered Accountant), fitness training would take a backseat.

After deciding to really focus on running, I realised I had it all wrong. 

I developed a training structure that enabled me to go from strength to strength.

I started running faster, further, and with great technique. 

I never get injured either, which is all due to the style of training I continue to love to this day.

The best change I noticed was how much stronger my mindset was, I became incredibly resilient.

Nothing beats that feeling of diving across the finish line, no matter how many times you do it!

In fact, I fell in love with running so much that I became Head Coach of a London based run club.

I now train people for 5Ks all the way up to ultra-marathon events. 

It's with great pleasure that I get to help people like you experience the joys of running too.

As a Chartered Accountant, I know how hard it is fitting it all in outside of a demanding day job.

I work with my clients to unlock their true potential, strengthen their mindset, and love running as much as I do."

Moritz Mulders, Rotterdam

"Physically I really start to feel more and more confident. I don’t hate it anymore when I take my shirt off in the park on a warm day for example. And this is actually something really big for me as last year I almost hated the summer because of this confrontation with myself."

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